Hi there!

You made it to this page because you’re thinking about reaching out to me. So reach out.

Maybe you’re hesitating – you’re scared, embarrassed, vulnerable?

Maybe you’re wondering if it’s right for you? If I’m right for you?

Maybe you’re asking yourself does Health Coaching work?

Maybe you’re thinking it’s a waste of time and money – sorry, but if you’re thinking that, you’re kinda implying YOU are not worth the time and money.  And. THAT’S. NOT. TRUE.

Maybe you’ve already decided to make changes to reach your health goals.

JFDI… just flippin’ DO IT.  Reach out. It costs nothing to send a mail.

Be brave.  Self-care isn’t selfish. You’re so worth it.  You only get one wild and precious life.

Reach out. There is no guilt, shame or blame here.  There are no dumb questions.

And I don’t bite… I smile, I high five, I hug.

Enter your contact info below and I’ll be in touch. I aim to get back to you within 1-2 days. But remember, I get busy, take days off and even have holidays sometimes – because it’s really good for you!

1 + 14 =