I’m Kathy. Hormone Harmoniser. Soother of Sucky Peri/Menopause Symptoms. Fertility Booster. Wellbeing Fairy Godmother NOT The Health Police. So that you can live the life you choose in harmony – not all hormone-y. Want my free tips and hints? Stick around kid, you’re in the right place.
Nurturing You Naturally …
… is a blog with care at it’s core.
You’ll find food and lifestyle tips, hormone health hacks, fertility-fuelling hints, natural self and home-care help, healthy recipes, recommendations …
…something for every woman on a journey to feel fabulous and look lovely.
Let’s begin Nurturing You Naturally. Grab a cuppa and feast on my blogs for free!

Pregnenolone Steal: Are YOU A Victim Of This Crime Against Hormones?
YOU may be a crime victim and not even know. Shock, horror. Your hormones could be stolen by stress, right under your nose. Well, not literally under your nose but you catch my drift. It's called the "pregnenolone steal" to give it's Sunday name. Are you a victim of...
6 Ways Sugar Can Sabotage Hormones and Fertility
Sugar can sabotage hormones and fertility in a lot of ways. Now, I am a warm, fuzzy, caring person. And I know how women with hormonal health issues AND woman and couples on a tough path to parenthood appreciate empathy and support. I have empathy. Supportive is my...
The Love Hormone OXYTOCIN and How To Boost Yours
Ooh it's nearly Valentines Day as I type today and my thoughts have turned to lurrrrve! At Valentines, many people feel relaxed, positive, open and connected to their honey and it's not just the flowers, chocolates and champagne! Honestly. Of course, when we're in a...
How To Boost Egg Health for Fertility
Today I'm talking eggs. Women's eggs to be precise. Egg health. It may seem odd talking about looking after your eggs, but let's face it. We are born with all the ones we're going to have (although some studies suggest that may not be strictly true) so it makes...
6 Myths About The Pill Busted
I was on The Pill. A long time ago. I wish I had known then what I know now. I'd never have taken it. But it was my choice. Made rashly, I now realise. We all have choice. These days, I like to make informed choices: choices based on info from a range of...
10 Things That Harm Male Fertility
It takes two to tango. Two to make a baby. A healthy egg and a strong, vibrant sperm. Male fertility is just as important to the baby of your dreams as female fertility. It's often women who approach me for guidance on boosting fertility. And that's dandy. Super...
How To Stay Healthy and Avoid Hangry
Picture the scene. You've been working hard. Focussed on some super-important task. Shizzle that must be done. Maybe it's really interesting and you got lost in doing it. Hours tick by. Your bum is numb in your chair. Back killing. Eyes are crossed from...
5 Tips For The Menopause Journey
I'm menopausal. No secret there. I wouldn't call it a total blast. But I wouldn't call it sucky either. To be honest, the years before menopause were probably worse with periods of Biblical flood proportions. Until I learned what I know now. Menopause is a journey....
A Quick Fix – Are You Looking For One?
A quick fix? We ALL want one don't we? Whatever the problem. And if you're like me, you want it for a good price and a solution that lasts. I don't know about a quick fix, but that's ONE BIG ASK. The Definition of a Quick Fix Out of interest I looked up the definition...
What The Heck IS an Online Course?
I'm a Women's Health Coach. Once upon a time I offered my services one-to-one only. Or - in the case of my fertility coaching - me to couples. Face-to-face or via Skype. I still do that. But I want to help as many women and couples as I can. To boost fertility and to...
Getting Pregnant: It’s Not Just Sex and Folic Acid.
I know a lot of people think getting pregnant is easy. It's about stopping contraception, getting jiggy and taking Folic Acid, right? If only it was that simple for everyone. 1 in 6 couples struggle these days. And anyway, everything we eat, drink, do, take, breathe,...
Trouble Down Below: How To Relieve Vaginal Dryness and Itching in Menopause
Vaginal dryness and itching. And urinary infections. No. laughing. matter. Nothing to be embarrassed about either. But it can tough to talk about it. Even though it's very common in menopausal and post menopausal women. Vaginal Dryness As women transition...
Pizza Won’t Help You Get Pregnant and Other Stuff No-One Tells You
Let's kick off by saying this. If you're trying to get pregnant, it's NOT your fault you're not pregnant yet. And I really mean that. From my heart to yours. Sincerely. With love. This blog is all about how we don't know, what we don't know. If no-one...
Your liver is amazing! I want you to love your liver. To protect health. And fertility. Here's why and how... Toxic Chemicals Are Everywhere... There are toxic chemicals every flippin' where. In the food that we eat. In the soils that grow that food. In the water...
Healthy Hot Chocolate KP Styley
Come on, who doesn't love a big, steamy, milky, luxurious mug of hot chocolate? Warming? Feels like a hug in a mug? Hits you with your chocolate fix? Am I right? Well, I'm here to tell you you can have ALL that, but you can make it much healthier. IF you don't...
Winter Wellness – My Survival Guide
Yes, the wintry and cold weather has started here in Blighty and some kind soul has shared their germs with me. To be fair, I'm valiantly battling bugs where others have been pretty poorly with a persistent cough. So, I felt inspired to write about winter wellness...
Quinoa Porridge – Breakfast Hug in a Bowl
This is one of my fave breakfasts EVER! Quinoa. Quinoa is pronounced "keen wah". It's not a grain, but a seed. In the same family as chard, spinach and beets. So a fab alternative to wheat and other grains. It causes less allergic reactions in people, than other...
Can Weight Affect Getting Pregnant?
The simple answer is YES. Weight can. Being overweight or underweight can affect getting pregnant. So, it's a good idea to manage your weight. Find out why right here. Weight and Hormones Basically, it's all about the hormones. The hormones needed in the right...
What Does A Hot Flush Feel Like? Flush to Furnace
What does a menopausal hot flush feel like? If you don't know, Google it...well read this first and then Google it! Here's a snippet from the UK NHS website ... ..."women often describe a hot flush as a creeping feeling of intense warmth that quickly spreads across...
Fertility Supplements – It’s Not Just About The Folic Acid
Most people know that Folic Acid is good for any woman trying to get pregnant. That's because doctors recommend it when a woman says she's started trying. And it's important for a healthy pregnancy. BUT... ...it's not enough on its own... ...AND there are other...
5 Fertility Myths Busted
This is all about busting fertility myths. Because there are a LOT of fertility myths and stereotypes. When you hear the phrase fertility issues, what comes to mind? A woman? Maybe a high flying career woman who left it too late? Some celebrity story of successful...
My Comforting Chicken Soup Recipe
You've heard all the cliches about people eating chicken soup when they're feeling poorly or down? Maybe they're cliches because chicken soup IS good for you. And good for the soul. The ingredients are sooooooo nourishing and ... well ... it is warming, comfort...
How To Look After Your Ovaries – Ovary Health
Yes, hot on the heels of How To Look After Your Vajajay, we have How To Look After Your Ovaries. Ovary health, that is. What Do Ovaries Do? Ovaries may be small, but they are super-important organs. They produce hormones - oestrogen, progesterone and...
Age and Fertility – The Elephant in The Room
Age and fertility is one of the more delicate subjects in my work. The elephant in the room, sometimes. I work with women and couples to protect and boost fertility. I'm really passionate about helping people get baby-fit or baby-ready a.k.a preconception care....
Menopause Mood Swings – How To Stop Being A Menopausal Moody Mare
Menopause mood swings. Hands up if this is you? Menopause Moody Mare. You can go from quiet to riot in under 30 seconds? If you're not sure, ask a friend or relative? Or ask your partner, if they dare speak out. *winks* I'm joking, but it's often no laughing...
What Are Fibroids and How Do I Know If I Have Them?
Fibroids - The Signs. Fibroids. You might have them and not even know. Sneaky devils. Often they're symptomless. And are only found in gynae tests. Or you might discover them when the symptoms get sooooo bad, you see a doctor for ... really heavy, horrible periods...
“I’d Do Anything To Have A Baby” – Is that TRUE?
"I'd do anything to have a baby". It's a phrase I've heard quite a few times. It's easy said. But what would YOU do? How far would you actually go? Are you and your partner (if there is one in the picture) in agreement? When I speak with people about this,...
Don’t Bury Your Head in The Sand Thirty and Forty Somethings
30s? 40s? Do you bury your head in the sand? I have a feeling. A feeling that there an AWFUL lot of fabulous 30 and 40 Somethings out there are IN FEAR. Fear. Me? In fear, that their misspent youth is long gone and old age is around the corner. Menopause. Nice...
The Moment of Truth – When I Decided To Change
In my life I have had many truth bomb moments. Some have been about health. Some about life. Some about happiness. AND I remember one biggie. Tthe moment of truth when I decided to get my sorry ass into gear. The moment of truth when I decided to change. For the...
How To Look After Your Vajayjay
Yes, you read that right! This blog is inspired by someone who recently told me she's bought a nice smelling wash for "downstairs". At first, I thought she meant the kitchen floor, but NO. She mean to wash her "downstairs"! Her vajayjay. As you can probably...
Move Your Butt For Body and Mind
Regular readers will know I hate exercise (find out more in the blog link). It sounds so dull. I prefer "activity". And I DO move my butt for the benefit of health - physical health and mental and emotional health. I believe that you need to move your butt...
Quick Breakfasts for Busy Women
I can see there'll be A LOT of eye rolling at this. Quick breakfasts. "I'm far too busy for breakfast" "YOU try getting your family out on time AND make and eat a healthy breakfast" "You gotta be kidding me" "*!++@> off!" I've heard them all, when I...
What IS a healthy period?
What IS a healthy period? If you believe all you see on TV, it's rolling skating down a promenade on a sunny day wearing a big grin and the market's best selling tampon. The perfect period. If only, eh? Well, I'm not sure there is such a thing as a perfect period. You...
Fertility and Vegetarian Diets or Vegan Diets
If you're vegetarian or vegan planning to get pregnant, read on... NOT because I'm going to try to talk you out of the diet. Heck no. BUT there are some things you might want to know. So you can make sure your diet and lifestyle don't get in the way of...
How To FEEL Better About Menopause
Or How To Have a Better Menopause Mindset. (By Susanne Erricker). Ok, I’m guessing you don’t believe it is possible to feel better about being Menopausal? To have a better menopause mindset? Just in case you think I might not understand, please be assured I...
Sexual Health and Fertility
Today, I'm talking about another pretty tough subject. It's sexual health. You know the infections "down below" you need to get checked out at one of those clinics. Let's call them GUIs (genito-urinary infections) rather than STDs (sexually transmitted diseases)....
Hormones or "Upright Breasts Are Dropping and These Flushes Aren't For Stopping." NO, I haven't dusted off my Literature degree to start writing poetry. This verse is by poet Hazel Connelly. My poetry was never that good. It's from Hazel's 2012 poem"...
A Fertility Friendly Kitchen
Or HOW TO SHOP, COOK AND STORE FOOD... I'm always banging on about eating a varied diet of nourishing foods to protect and fire up fertility. I know I do. But did you know, that what you buy, how you cook it and how you store it is important too? NO? Well grab a brew,...
Being Stuck Sucks
Being Stuck Sucks is a guest blog by the super-amazing teacher and coach on practical spirituality - Kate Spencer. Kate is also a highly successful author best known for the Twelve Lessons series. Must reads! I'm very grateful to have her write a piece especially for...
Biological Clock. The Story Of Mine.
This is MY story of my biological clock ticking. Let's start by making it clear. I don't have any kids. Or rather WE don't have any kids. Mr P and I. We've been happily married over 10 years. We've travelled to some wonderful places - before we met and even...
Herbs For Menopause AND My Younger Hormonal Hotties
Mother Nature is wonderful. I believe in starting with natural remedies for many health problems, especially the minor ones. My own toolkit and training is based around diet, lifestyle, nature fertility awareness, homeopathy and herbs. And I often get asked about...
Menopause Memory Problems
... a.k.a Where Did I Put My Flippin' Glasses? Are you 40 something or 50 something and can't remember where the heck you put your specs? Or you turned up to an appointment to find it was yesterday? And recite a whole long list of names before you get to...
12 Tips To Sleep Better
It's been one of those weeks. A LOT of women I know have been talking about wanting to sleep better ... a few nights of poor sleep, insomnia or something keeping them awake. *frowny face* And not just my Hormonal Hotties who suffer nasty night sweats So, I've put...
My Top 5 Foods for Fertility
"What's your top foods for fertility, Kathy?" Ooh if I had a Pound/Euro/Dollar for every time I've been asked that I'd have a massive pile of coins by now! Of course, I really think that eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods is the key to a fertility-friendly...
Froothie Dehydrator Optimum P200 – My Review
I make no secret of the fact that this girl loves her Froothie Blender - my Kitchen BFF - and my Froothie Juicer (which gets a mention here). So when I heard that Froothie were launching a dehydrator here in Blighty, I HAD to have a Froothie Dehydrator....
10 Things We Do In The Morning That Harm Hormones
"So have a nice day, Have a nice day, Have a nice day, Have a nice day" Any Stereophonics fans recognise that? Love them! And while I wake up every morning determined to make every a nice day, are we always making it a healthy day? Are we protecting our health?...
Maca – Hormone Balancing Superfood For Women?
Want happier hormones? To boost natural fertility. Or maybe the strength of an Inca warrior? Who doesn't want the strength of an Inca Warrior, eh? Shall I tell you how? So, say hello to MACA powder . What Is Maca? Maca is a root. And it's an adaptogenic...
Male Fertility – How To Boost It
We're talking male fertility. In about half of the couples with fertility issues, the challenge lies with the man. If it's true that about 1 in 6 couples have trouble falling pregnant, that's a lot of guys who want to improve their sperm. There are...
YOU Might Have A Mineral Deficiency And Not Even Know
Mineral deficiency. All too common. But what IS it? Why should YOU care? How would you know if you had one, anyway? What Is A Mineral Deficiency? Minerals are a kind of nutrient. They are needed for the body to work properly. A lack of a certain mineral...
Oestrogen Dominance – Do YOU Have These Common Signs?
Oestrogen Dominance. Big. Complex. Words. Big. Complex. Issue. It can lead to horrible hormone symptoms and influence health and fertility How would you know if YOU have it? And what can you do about it, anyway? What Is Oestrogen Dominance? Oestrogen is...
Footsteps to Fertility for Fertility Support
Without making this blog about ME (it ISN'T), I wanted to tell you a bit about who my biz serves. You see, most - not all - of my clients are 30s, 40s and early 50s women and they're all suffering hormone disharmony. I call that hormone-y. It's not an insult. I'm...
Natural Sun Protection – Stay Sunkissed Safely
*sings* The sun has got his hat on, hip hip hip hooray! Have you? Got your hat on, that is? I know *rolls eyes* ...there's all that stuff about slapping on sunscreen and wearing a hat to avoid skin cancers. You've heard it ALL before. Or have you? Just HOW savvy are...
What To Do When You Have Heavy Periods
You know the drill, sister? You daren't cough, sneeze or stand up suddenly, because you know there'll be a flood of Biblical proportions? You go to the loo and have to sit there for ages ...not because you need a tinkle or even to poop. People have been known to knock...
Help! I’m In My 40s And Have Skin Breakouts.
Hi gorgeous girl. Are you in your 40s and think that teenage skin breakouts are SO over? Yet they're back. With a vengeance. Pah. You're probably really hacked off. Especially if you never even had spots in your teens. But now you have ... as a fab 40s female. Pah!...
How Can I Tell If I’m Ovulating?
If you're ovulating, it's the result of a complex chain of hormones sending messages from the brain to the reproductive system. Ovulation. It's the release of a mature egg from the ovaries. The egg moves down the fallopian tube. That egg is good for about 24...
The Hormone Harmers Lurking in Your Fridge
Guess what just popped into my inbox? No. Not info on my favourite shoe shop's sale! Delivery date for the parcel I'm waiting for? No. Sadly. Not even the promise of a lot of money from a total stranger in Ghana. It's this years guide Shoppers Guide to...
Preconception Care – Get Healthy To Get Pregnant
or "Your Children Are What You Ate...and Did" You remember that woman on the tellybox, a few years back? She poked people's poop and gave them new health plans? Yes, Gillian McKeith. She told us "You Are What You Eat". You don't need to prod poop to know that's true,...
Act NOW For Hormone Harmony
If I had a Pound/Euro/Dollar for every time I heard a woman say... "I'm far too young to worry about THAT" or "I've got A-G-E-S yet" ... I'd be a very wealthy woman. Actually, I'd be buried alive under a massive mountain of mixed currency and no use to...
5 Natural Ways To Beat Bloating
Do you sometimes look like you're hiding an inflatable up your jumper? Forget the phrase "muffin top" - yours looks like a 3 tier wedding cake! Suffer bloating? That uncomfortable and embarrassing problem where your tummy swells to a MASSIVE size? It can be...
Self-Care For Period Pain
Period pain. No laughing matter. And painful periods can happen in puberty, pre-menopause and ANY other time. Most women who get pain have it just before and as the flow starts. Others can be crippled with pain throughout the whole period. Really, no laughing...
4 Things That Make for A Nourished Life
In a recent blog I talked about creating the life you want, by getting all aspects in balance - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. And how the food on your plate IS nourishment, but it doesn't feed your soul. So what do you need for a nourished life? Here's my...
Nourishment – It’s More Than The Food On Your Plate
Nourishment. What Nourishes You? No, I don’t just mean tofu with a side of steamed kale. It’s not only the food on your plate that nourishes you. I guess I'm looking wider at the words "nourish" and nourishment. Sure, it's......
Why Should You Give A Hoot About Hormones?
Utter the word "hormones" and someone will giggle. Or roll their eyes. Maybe make bad a joke about "women's troubles". Or think we must be talking about sex. Wah! There's so much more to it than that. We ALL have them- women and men. They influence everything...
Kapow Chilli Chocolate Smoothie
This chilli, espresso and chocolate smoothie is a real pick-me-up in the morning. It smacks you round the chops. That's why I called it "kapow". It does contain espresso so maybe not suitable for everyone. I enjoy a little coffee every now and again. The recipe...
I Hate Exercise And I’m a Health Coach.
Regular readers will know I hate the "E" word. I hate EXERCISE. EXERCISE sounds like such a boring chore. Snoresville. Hard work. It's like that word "medicine" ...straight away I don't want to take any. Well, I don't want to take exercise either. There I...
5 Popular Misconceptions About Weight Loss
... OR 5 Fibs About Fighting A Muffin Top Is there a little more of you to love these days? It's hugging tightly to your tummy? And it's STUCK there - your chuffin' muffin top. Have you tried e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g? In my clinic, I see many gorgeous 30s to 50s...
10 Signs Of Adrenal Fatigue And What To Do About It
Hey lady, I recognise YOU. Yes, YOU. You're the partner/mother/friend/worker/helper/student/carer/cook/cleaner/taxi driver/party-animal/hostess-with-the-mostess/*pile on MORE here*. You're busy. Super efficient. Zipping here and popping there. Always giving. Hardly...
Help – I Need A Sex Drive Boost
Are you like Boy George, who once said he'd rather have a cup of tea, than sex? Is it causing issues in your relationship? Or holding you back from looking for a partner? Lady, you're not alone. It CAN happen to anyone. And it's not about always about being "a...
My Kitchen BFF
*whispers* I have a confession to make. I have a BFF. Shhhh, don't tell all my other friends. I don't know how I functioned before she came into my life over 2 years ago. She's been such a faithful companion. Third in line behind Mr P and the dynamic doodle...
Buckwheat Pancakes Recipe
Watch this YouTube Vlog to learn the secrets of this simple, gluten free, daily free recipe for Buckwheat Pancakes. Buckwheat Pancakes A perfect healthier alternative to normal pancakes with lemon and *boo hiss* sugar for Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day. They also...
What is A Hormone Friendly Lifestyle?
I'm like a stuck record I know. Everywhere I write, speak or post, I'm banging on about a "Hormone Friendly Lifestyle" for women. So what IS it? Why should you give two hoots, anyway? How can you get one? Pronto. WHAT IS A HORMONE FRIENDLY LIFESTYLE? You can't do much...
Help! I’m Too Young For Menopause
I get it. You're Flirty 30s or Naughty 40s. You ARE young. Heck, you haven't reached your prime. You are F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S. Maybe you're still planning kids or to add to your family. The word "menopause" is for MUCH more mature women. You have YEARS to go until you...
What I Love and Don’t Love About Juicing
Shhhhhlurp. That's me enjoying a juice, that is. I LURVE juicing. I lurve juices. Not the ones that come in a plastic carton or a bottle in a store, but real, freshly squeezed or juiced, fruits and veggies. Nothing added. Nothing taken away. The ones in cartons are...
PMS – 10 Tips For Relieving Symptoms Naturally
Cramps, cravings, crankiness? Sore boobs, spots and poor sleep? When these signs happen before your period is due, you could be suffering PMS. Pre Menstrual Syndrome. PMS affects about 40% of menstruating women. Yikes. That's A LOT. That goes up to 70% if you factor...
Should I be doing a January Detox?
It’s January and detox is a hot topic. Both with supporters and critics. I even saw a local bar promoting drinking gin to RETOX this January. And follow Tryanuary (trying a new drink) instead of Dry January. *face palm* Detox. A small word that can provoke BIG...
Ten Top Tips For Changing Habits & Meeting Goals
Many of us are full of good intentions. Intentions to improve ourselves, our lives, our health, our relationships, our careers, our impact on the world. Intentions to start changing habits. Some make New Year's Resolutions to start doing some things and stop doing...
Christmas Spice Milk Shake
You know it's getting near Christmas when your kitchen - okay MY kitchen - smells like cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. NO, I'm not mulling wine. Honest. It's breakfast time here! I've been experimenting with a little Christmas spice breakfast treat. I've...
Mulled Apple Juice
"Christmas time, mistletoe and wine" NO Sir Cliff, it doesn't have to be about the wine. Or any alcohol. If you're reducing or avoiding alcohol this holidays, read on. Maybe you'd like to make a winter warming drink that's just a teensy bit special, so deffo try this....
Liver Love and Helping Your Hormones
Why should I give my liver love, some of you might ask? Your liver is this amazing system that filters all the stuff we put into our bodies. Stuff that we eat, drink, breathe in or absorb through our skin. Yep everything we take in gets into our blood, is processed by...
Menopause Myths Busted – What Every Woman Should Know
What IS Menopause? Before we get down to busting menopause myths, let's get on the same page, ladies. Let's be clear on what natural menopause IS. Here's some basic definitions:- PREMENOPAUSE is the time from your first period to your last. PERIMENOPAUSE is the time...
Immunity – Your Cold Could Be Linked To Hormones
Totally fed up with being a Phlegm Wad? Thinking of buying shares in Kleenex tissues or - worse still - toilet roll? So you catch every cough, cold, bug and lurgy going, eh? Low immune system? You're blaming everything from your off-the-scale stress levels. Or...
Breakfast for Health and Happy Hormones
I was looking at my Facebook page recently and noticed some photos of the cracking breakfasts I've served up this year. Even if I do say so myself. I'm such a breakfast fan, I did little week long campaign called #camPayneforbetterbreakfast * groans at own pun*. ...
What is a Fertility Friendly Diet?
Fertility Friendly Diet - Not Just for Baby-Making. I could write a book on preparing to try for a baby and eating for fertility and hormone health (one day!). And when I'm talking about a fertility friendly diet, don't switch off if you're NOT baby-making at...
What to do about body shape and “middle age spread” in your 40s and 50s
Middle Age Spread or Menopausal Muffin Top? Managing weight can seem like a constant battle for many of us women, but it seems to be a full-scale WAR in our *ahem* middle years. Or "middle age spread" years. You know? Your muffin top seems to be making a bid for...
Totally HOT in Bed? 6 Tips To Reduce Night Sweats
Totally Hot in Bed? Well ARE you? I don't mean are you a Sexy Siren or Saucy Seductress. NO. That's so not what I mean. I mean, do you feel really hot at night? Do you get all icky and sticky? Throw off the covers or shove your feet out of the bed? Your sleep is...
Hot & heaving? Or “Dealing with night sweats.’
Hot and Heaving... ' She tore back the bed sheets, soaked from hot beads of sweat trickling over her, her body heaving and heart beating out of her ample bosom. She was spent. Her head was swimming from another night without sleep ... another restless night,...
Hormone Balance – Why Ladies Should Love Beans
Beans For Hormone Balance? Beans. The subject of many a schoolboy (and girl) joke... and rhyme. "Beans, beans good for your heart, the more you eat the more you ... " ... well, you catch my drift! Did you know beans and other legumes ARE good for your heart? AND they...
Hot Flushes – 5 things to give up to reduce them
Hot Flushes? You've probably seen that cartoon on Social Media? The one that says " I'm still hot, only now it comes in flushes!"? Ha bloomin' ha. If you're a sufferer, you know hot flushes are no laughing matter. They can be uncomfortable, incovenient and...
Insomnia – are your hormones to blame, ladies?
Can't sleep? What would you do for a good night's sleep? Counted millions of sheep and still can't nod off? Wakeful and weary? The alarm goes off and you want to hurl it through the window to hide under the duvet? You've blamed sleepless nights on the stress...